I will not describe the A*-algorithm in depth on my page as it is already done quite well here:
Description of A Star
or you can go to the A Star Wikipedia for a short overview.
My Java implementation of the A Star Algorith works on a square map. It is reasonably fast, but it is more a proof of concept than an implementation that should be used anywhere where performance really matters. A simple example case is added as well.
And here you can find the Java source code for my example implementation of the a star algorithm:
a star java example code [6.74 kB]
To give you an idea what the code is like, here is the important method:
* The main A Star Algorithm in Java.
* finds an allowed path from start to goal coordinates on this map.
* <p>
* This method uses the A Star algorithm. The hCosts value is calculated in
* the given Node implementation.
* <p>
* This method will return a LinkedList containing the start node at the
* beginning followed by the calculated shortest allowed path ending
* with the end node.
* <p>
* If no allowed path exists, an empty list will be returned.
* <p>
* <p>
* x/y must be bigger or equal to 0 and smaller or equal to width/hight.
* @param oldX x where the path starts
* @param oldY y where the path starts
* @param newX x where the path ends
* @param newY y where the path ends
* @return the path as calculated by the A Star algorithm
public final List<T> findPath(int oldX, int oldY, int newX, int newY) {
openList = new LinkedList<T>();
closedList = new LinkedList<T>();
openList.add(nodes[oldX][oldY]); // add starting node to open list
done = false;
T current;
while (!done) {
current = lowestFInOpen(); // get node with lowest fCosts from openList
closedList.add(current); // add current node to closed list
openList.remove(current); // delete current node from open list
if ((current.getxPosition() == newX)
&& (current.getyPosition() == newY)) { // found goal
return calcPath(nodes[oldX][oldY], current);
// for all adjacent nodes:
List<T> adjacentNodes = getAdjacent(current);
for (int i = 0; i < adjacentNodes.size(); i++) {
T currentAdj = adjacentNodes.get(i);
if (!openList.contains(currentAdj)) { // node is not in openList
currentAdj.setPrevious(current); // set current node as previous for this node
currentAdj.sethCosts(nodes[newX][newY]); // set h costs of this node (estimated costs to goal)
currentAdj.setgCosts(current); // set g costs of this node (costs from start to this node)
openList.add(currentAdj); // add node to openList
} else { // node is in openList
if (currentAdj.getgCosts() > currentAdj.calculategCosts(current)) { // costs from current node are cheaper than previous costs
currentAdj.setPrevious(current); // set current node as previous for this node
currentAdj.setgCosts(current); // set g costs of this node (costs from start to this node)
if (openList.isEmpty()) { // no path exists
return new LinkedList<T>(); // return empty list
return null; // unreachable
* The main A Star Algorithm in Java.
* finds an allowed path from start to goal coordinates on this map.
* <p>
* This method uses the A Star algorithm. The hCosts value is calculated in
* the given Node implementation.
* <p>
* This method will return a LinkedList containing the start node at the
* beginning followed by the calculated shortest allowed path ending
* with the end node.
* <p>
* If no allowed path exists, an empty list will be returned.
* <p>
* <p>
* x/y must be bigger or equal to 0 and smaller or equal to width/hight.
* @param oldX x where the path starts
* @param oldY y where the path starts
* @param newX x where the path ends
* @param newY y where the path ends
* @return the path as calculated by the A Star algorithm
public final List<T> findPath(int oldX, int oldY, int newX, int newY) {
openList = new LinkedList<T>();
closedList = new LinkedList<T>();
openList.add(nodes[oldX][oldY]); // add starting node to open list
done = false;
T current;
while (!done) {
current = lowestFInOpen(); // get node with lowest fCosts from openList
closedList.add(current); // add current node to closed list
openList.remove(current); // delete current node from open list
if ((current.getxPosition() == newX)
&& (current.getyPosition() == newY)) { // found goal
return calcPath(nodes[oldX][oldY], current);
// for all adjacent nodes:
List<T> adjacentNodes = getAdjacent(current);
for (int i = 0; i < adjacentNodes.size(); i++) {
T currentAdj = adjacentNodes.get(i);
if (!openList.contains(currentAdj)) { // node is not in openList
currentAdj.setPrevious(current); // set current node as previous for this node
currentAdj.sethCosts(nodes[newX][newY]); // set h costs of this node (estimated costs to goal)
currentAdj.setgCosts(current); // set g costs of this node (costs from start to this node)
openList.add(currentAdj); // add node to openList
} else { // node is in openList
if (currentAdj.getgCosts() > currentAdj.calculategCosts(current)) { // costs from current node are cheaper than previous costs
currentAdj.setPrevious(current); // set current node as previous for this node
currentAdj.setgCosts(current); // set g costs of this node (costs from start to this node)
if (openList.isEmpty()) { // no path exists
return new LinkedList<T>(); // return empty list
return null; // unreachable